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Category: UX


The Most Effective Real Estate Website Features [2024]

Top 18 Effective Features on a Real Estate Website

Creating a real estate website is “not a country for an old man”! The dynamic improvement this industry has faced – especially in the online scene – in the last couple of years was stunning.  Compare an old real estate website to a new one: the difference is huge, in almost every aspect. This is

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10 Tips to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Engagement

10 Tips to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Engagement

One of the most commonly misinterpreted metrics is the bounce rate. In good cases, it is misinterpreted, in bad cases it is not, and with certain settings, it can even distort the measurement of the bounce rate. Therefore, in this article, we want to provide a comprehensive overview of bounce rate and how and by

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Color psychology tips to improve conversions

Color psychology tips to improve conversions

Psychology and economics were always connected with each other, maybe just humans didn’t know anything about this. Yes, because up to the 20th century, there was no research on the connection between these two areas. People worked in these two parts of life separately, and maybe if they had observations, and clues about a possible

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Microinteractions: The Tiny Details that Boost User Engagement

Microinteractions The Tiny Details that Boost User Engagement

Nowadays websites and apps use a lot of tactics to increase their visitors’ user experience. It’s not a coincidence! The thing is, there was some research in this specific area in the last couple of years which all stated that today’s generations think differently than the older generations. People nowadays connect joy and happiness with

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What is emotional website design and how to use it?

What is emotional website design and how to use it?

Why do you eat at McDonalds? Because it’s the cheapest option in town? Then, why don’t you buy something at the local bakery? Maybe, do you want to eat something warm? Then why don’t you go to a low-budget canteen, which seems even healthier than what Mcdonald’s offers? No hate, I don’t have any personal

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How to design helpful error messages? [Guide]

How to design helpful error messages? [Guide]

We might all think that creating error messages is the easiest part of creating a new website. We don’t need to care about it too much, the user just needs to find the right solution for the arising issue. Well, you’re right, in one part. Error messages appear because of slips (the user needs to

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How to design effective forms to increase conversion rates? [Guide]

How to design effective forms to increase conversion rates? [Guide]

Welcome to Capturly’s blog, where we’re about to uncover the secrets of effective form design. Imagine navigating a website and encountering a form that feels like a never-ending maze. Frustrating, right? Well, fear not, because we’re here to revolutionize the way you approach form design. In today’s digital age, where attention spans are fleeting and

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How to create an effective homepage?  

How to create an effective homepage? [2024 Guide]

Imagine your site as one of the books of the world’s largest bookstores. In this case, it contains 200 million books – according to Forbes data, this is exactly how many websites are currently available. However, your book is about gardening. Although there are just 500 thousand rival books left, the market is narrow, as

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UX/Website Analytics

How to Redesign Your SaaS Product [Ultimate Guide]

How to Redesign Your SaaS Product

Embarking on the journey to redesign your SaaS product can be exciting and challenging. In this guide, we’ll explore the process with insights, tips, and real-life examples to help you successfully update your interface. Understanding Redesign: What, When, and Why? Redesigning your SaaS product goes beyond just changing its looks—it’s a strategic move into the

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UX/Website Analytics

Website Heatmaps for UX Designers

Website Heatmaps for UX designers

In today’s world, we aim to make websites that look great and are very easy to use. They should match what people want. When you’re making any website, like an E-commerce store or a website for a company, the main goal is to make sure it’s smooth and easy for people to use. And that’s

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