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Category: E-commerce


5 Best Website Builder For Small Business

5 Best Website Builder For Small Businesses

Are you the owner of a small business website? Do you want to be professionally present in the world of the Internet? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Increasingly, small business owners aim to manage and operate their websites professionally. Running a small business website is paramount not only for attracting customers but also for

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Start here before launch your small business website

Start here before launch your small business website

Want to start building a small business website, but don’t know where to start?  Many entrepreneurs fall into the common mistake of going into business with the first website builder they find – preferably the cheapest one – or even starting themselves, but without the knowledge to check that they have built a website that

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9 Customer Retention Tactics For Small Websites

9 customer retention tactics for small websites

Years ago small businesses didn’t require a website. Of course, in some industries, it was a necessity, but those were the exceptions rather than the standard. In the last couple of years, it took a radical turn. Now, you better have a website as a small business owner for several reasons: And last but not

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Influence your customers with the psychology of online shopping

Influence your customers with the psychology of online shopping

E-commerce has revolutionized the way people shop. Thanks to the internet and digital devices, consumers can now shop online anytime and anywhere they want. E-commerce’s convenience has made it a popular choice for consumers who prefer online shopping to physical stores. Online shopping has become a multi-billion-dollar industry. In the last couple of years, more

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How to Improve Customer Service in 2024

How to Improve Customer Service?

Customer service has been with us for many many years. Companies recognized quickly that they not only need to offer a product to the customers, as it is not always enough.  Customers always have some questions in terms of the usage, the arising problems, or other important aspects. If you can promise that your potential

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10 Ways to Take Advantage of Email Marketing in E-commerce

10 Ways to Take Advantage of Email Marketing in E-commerce

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where online shopping has become the norm, email marketing stands out as a beacon of opportunity for e-commerce businesses. It’s not just another marketing tactic; it’s a powerful tool that can make or break the success of your online store. As we navigate through the vast sea of digital communication

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