Session replays have become one of the most common and important tools for solving conversion problems and dealing with funnels on your site. The tools have become very sophisticated in recent years, so much that they even tell you which users have been visiting your site which allows for better segmentation of users as well
Session replays are one of the most important tools for the analysis of your website. They can give you the edge over your competitors in combination with other web analysis tools. Session replays answer one of the most important questions for a web developer: what are the users doing on my website? How do they
Is your site having problems to convert visitors into customers? Have you ever asked yourself the question of why do your visitors rarely become your customers? In this article, we will take a look at why your conversion rate is low, what mistakes you might be making and how to remedy them. This is a
15, 20 and 57. What could these numbers possibly mean? It is shocking but session replays and heatmaps show that: 55% of people spend less than 15 seconds on your website; they read only 20% of your article; 57% of people look only above the page fold. This means you have to provide value from
If I had to pick a single thing that causes me immense agony, that would be poorly designed forms without a doubt. Especially signup forms are often one of the most neglected aspects of web design. However, they are also the part which the customer interacts with the most and hold a central role in
Have you ever realized that different fonts trigger different emotions? We even would say that correctly chosen font will help not only to build your brand identity but also to ease the reading process. This, in turn, is very important if you work on brochure, magazine, ebook or on UX of your website and blog.
What is happening now in e-commerce in Southeast Asia, especially China, can be compared to The Big Bang Theory (not the show). The Chinese market reached over $ 672 billion in 2017, with online sales accounting for nearly 16 percent of total sales. The market is, of course, dominated by subsidiaries of the Alibaba group
The goal of every online entrepreneur is to tailor the website as optimized and user-friendly as possible. And what does user-friendly mean? It means that the elements of the site are composed in such a way, that users find what they are looking for without any hesitation. Needless to say, you can achieve this by
If you own an online store, you have probably dealt with conversion rate by now. In this article, we will see how you can optimize your checkout page for getting better conversion rates. There is one important fact you should know before we dive in: there is no magic formula when it comes to optimizing
A decade ago, the discussion on getting good conversion rates through the website was not as serious as it is today. In fact, thanks to the less competition, the major players in the industry got their desired results faster than nowadays. Little did we know, that the need for conversion rate optimization would soon become