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Improve your Conversion Rate by Respecting the User Pain Points

Improve your Conversion Rate by Respecting the User Pain Points


What Are The User Pain Points?

According to the definition of Wordstream, user pain points are discomforts that happen during using a certain product.

There are lots of forms of these discomforts, from the barely noticeable to the severe ones. User pain points can be experienced not only by using tangible goods. They also pop up in the case of immaterial products, like e-commerce. There are a huge number of user pain points that can be connected to UX issues.

In this article, you will read about the most common user pain points and the solutions for them. By avoiding these inconveniences, you can boost the conversion rate of your website. 

When You Spend Thousands Of Dollars To Promote Your Website, But The Conversion Rate Is Still Low

Don’t Underestimate The Organic Search Results

Stop spending all your money on paid advertisements. Instead of that,  focus on the organic search results.  The more relevant keywords your website contains, the better place it will earn in the organic search results. If you’re clever enough, you will need to spend less on search ads. The right keywords will do their job. 

Define as many keywords as you can. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to earn the top rank for all of them. Prioritizing is the key. Pick the most appealing keywords and set a goal to earn a high ranking for them. Monitor your competitors to learn the keywords that catch the interest of the users. Always measure the performance of the keywords. 

Define keywords and prioritizing them

While inserting the keywords into the content, take care to  stay natural . If users recognize that you put keywords next to each other like a forced march, they will lose interest. Since the valuable content disappears behind the fabricated keywords. A valuable, meaningful composition is much more worthy. Take care of the quality of the content since it makes your website catchy. Always use keywords that are relevant to your content and your mission. Don’t mix up the users with unmatching keywords. 

Dedicate certain pages to certain keywords. If more pages of your website contain the same keyword, search engines might get confused. It’s better to build a page around a certain keyword. In this way, you can make sure that the relevant page will be listed if someone searches for that keyword. 

Provide A Unique Quality Of Service

Well-chosen keywords themselves are not the key to success. It’s crucial to  create something unique  that makes your website stand out from the crowd. Build an exceptional atmosphere for your business. There must be a special message that you transmit to the potential users. 

Let’s see some examples of that in the field of e-commerce that sell clothes. You can differ from your rivals by several actions. There are unlimited ideas to differ from the others and don’t be afraid of making them real. 

  • Offer exclusive products that are handmade or marked with a unique logo.
  • Spread a mission like environmentally-friendliness, or the promotion of inland businesses.
  • Build a webshop with characteristic features such as supporting the body positive models, or figuring out creative product descriptions.

If you create something unique, users start sharing your website. If users start to recommend your product to each other, it means that they are satisfied with it. You do something or provide a quality of service that is easy to copy. For plenty of customers, it does really matter what they read or hears about the product before buying it. It also counts from who they hear about it. People usually rely on the advice of the community who they like or are competent in that field of service.

Look at this example:
You’re planning to buy a coffee machine. You saw positive criticism about it on the website of a barista guy. Your family also says that it’s a good deal. But you hear some negative comments about it from a friend who doesn’t drink coffee. Probably you’ll buy the equipment since you care about the opinion of people you like and rely on. A friend who doesn’t like coffee is not relevant to the decision. Through this example, I wanted to demonstrate how important the context in which the product gets suggested is. 

Give Benefits For The Returning Users

You can make sure the rise of the conversion rate by  earning a greater number of registered users . If the sign-up page is hidden, it will not come to the mind of the users to look for that. Create a registration field that is easy to find and easy to use. If there are too many mandatory fields, users lose interest and give up the registration process. People like activities that they are forced to do. They like arranging their stuff within seconds. Make the registration process enjoyable with creative solutions like a unique appearance for the page. 

Think about giving some advantages to the registered users. With the help of that, customers feel that they are appreciated.

  • Give them discounts,
  • or free shipping opportunities that can be used multiple times after the registration,
  • or give a bonus for signing up for your website, like a virtual loyalty card.

In this way, users will be more likely to come back to get their benefits. Send them newsletters regularly, but not too often. Newsletters are good to notify customers about upcoming sales or innovations. Make your returning users feel that you’re thankful for them for supporting your business.

click sign in button, get a bonus and receive a newsletter

Test Your Performance

Sometimes the problem is not the position in the search results. It can be quite different. It’s useful to  test your website with heatmaps, A/B tests, or session replays . Capturly offers multiple free opportunities to try these services. Now you can read the brief description of all three methods listed above:

  • Heatmaps give you a picture of the most and least attractive spots on your website based on summarized user data.
  • A/B tests allow you to test two differently designed versions of one page.
  • Session replays record the whole browsing session of one certain user. 

All in all, these tests reveal the UX issues on your website. The reason for a low conversion rate can not only be the poor content, but also the technical issues that mess up the user experience. Some of these issues can’t be identified while coding the website, because they only come up during real use. There is a wide range of UX issues. There are easily correctable ones, like the color of the background and the text doesn’t match. But there are also harsh ones like the payment page doesn’t working. Luckily, all these tests make it possible to filter these issues. 

test your site with A:B test

If users face too many errors while browsing a website, they will simply abandon it. Everybody likes to find the necessary information as soon as possible. No one will browse too long to read an article with a tiny text size or a calligraphic font. They simply quit and search for other pages that provide the answer quicker. 

Think About Multiple Devices Sizes

 Conversion rates can also be affected by optimization . If your website doesn’t fit the screen size of multiple devices, users will have a lower user experience. No one likes to scroll for ages to find the information they’re looking for. What is more, smartphone users are less likely to scroll the screen horizontally. If you don’t optimize your website well, some parts of the content stay hidden. In this case, users might find your page uninteresting since information is invisible. It will lead to a lower conversion rate and a higher bounce rate. Optimization issues can be filtered also by the testing tools listed above. 

Some studies prove that more than sixty percent of searches come from mobile devices. Smartphones are frequently used during in-store shopping to learn more details about a product.

To earn a huge success, provide precise descriptions, but at the same time clear and easy to read. If the potential customer sympathizes with your website, at first sight, the product may get ordered from you, instead of buying it in-store.

Measure The Loading Times Of The Pages

Apart from the screen sizes,  keep an eye on the loading time of each page. 

According to studies, the optimal page load times are between 0-4 seconds. But some other studies say that users simply abandon a page that doesn’t load in two seconds.

This means that as soon as users experience a lower speed, they quit browsing. Waiting too much makes them lose interest, and navigate to other pages that are expected to load faster. Users might remark that a certain website loads too slowly. Because of this reason they may never return there. Everyone wants to arrange things the fastest possible. 

The facts above prove that page load times can highly affect the conversion rate. If you experience that a page on your website loads slower, correct it immediately. There are some common reasons for slow load times. Glitchy designs, animations, too large images, or videos can slow down the pages. Try to keep it simple. The number of ads affects the load times as well, especially the pop-up ads. The problem might also be the performance of your server if it can’t handle a certain level of traffic. 

a page on a website loads slower, so the user wanna close it

When You Are Succeeding – How To Maintain The High Conversion Rate

The key is constantly increasing the level of the service. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve already reached a conversion rate that meets the goal you set. You need to get better and better to make your customers loyal. If you don’t make any changes to the website, there will be a higher chance to lose clients. The innovations attract more attention and make the website more exciting. There are many ways to maintain the users’ interest. 

Implement A Virtual Assistant Feature

If you get lots of customer emails, make yourself easier to reach by  operating a virtual assistant on your website . This tool allows the customers to start a real-time chat with an employee of yours. In this way, they can get a quicker solution for their issue which leads to a better user experience. In this way, better usability is also guaranteed. Since the users’ questions get answered immediately. They don’t have to give up the browsing session and come back later when their email is replied to. 

Through the  live chat function  customers start feeling closer to your business which increases the conversion rate. The way the virtual assistant communicates with the customers spreads the atmosphere of your business. The kindness and the politeness of the assistant are crucial factors. If users get answers that are helpful for them, they will have a better user experience. It means that they’ll be more likely to return to your business. They’re also expected to contact the virtual assistant more often since the level of its service makes them satisfied. 

virtual assistant communication about a website problem

Listen To The Feedbacks And Take The Advice

Allow your customers to  give you feedback . Consider the thoughts that come up often. Everything changes, and so does the behavior of your customers. If they see that you take their advice, they will feel more appreciated and will be loyal to your business. Choose the customers’ suggestions you’d like to implement on your website. Prioritize them based on various deciding factors. The factor can be the benefit of the innovation like how many new sales it attracts, the costs of the new service, or any other aspect that is key for your business. 

 Monitoring your rivals  is also a good idea. You provide the same facilities, so the habits of your users are quite the same. If you see that most of your competitors change a certain function on their website, you should also start to rethink it.

For example:
You run an e-commerce business that sells shoes and offers shipping in five days. But the other shoe stores ship in three days. Users like to get their order as soon as possible, so they will be more likely to choose the store that offers 3-day shipping. By rearranging the shipping facilities, your conversion rate can be higher since you offer the same service as the others do. 

Don’t Stop Testing Your Performance

Don’t forget to  take measures regularly . Heatmaps, A/B tests, and session recordings are useful not only for those who have a low conversion rate. They are also good for websites that have already reached a higher level of conversion rate but want to improve it. As I mentioned before, customer behavior patterns always change. So the attractive spots or the preferred layouts can also change. 

Heatmaps detect the catchiest and the least frequented spots on your website. If you’re planning to create some new content, it’s good to take a heatmap test before. With this test, you can identify the valuable spots based on the activity of hundreds of users. Moving the new pieces of content to the most interacted spots helps users to notice it at the first sight. Session replays are also useful to detect the busiest spots on the website. With this tool, you can rewatch the browsing history of individual users. Instead of summarized data, they show detailed data of each user’s session, containing the clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements. The A/B test aims to analyze the performance of two different versions of one page. In this way, you’re able to test two completely different designs. Apart from the browsing histories, all three tools can reveal the common UX issues that need to be corrected for a better experience. 

website heatmap analytics

All in all

User pain points can pop up in several situations during a browsing session. Before reaching a pleasant level of conversion rate, focus on correcting the UX issues that are likely to come up often. A unique design and atmosphere help to attract and maintain more and more customers. Don’t underestimate the power of organic search results. The conversion rate can grow without spending a dollar on paid ads. Setting a goal for the conversion rate and reaching it doesn’t mean that you can lean back and relax. It’s key to listen to the users’ feedback and take their advice. Analyze constantly the performance of your business. Make regular innovations to keep the interest of your customers. Consider that user behavior constantly changes. Don’t forget to test repeatedly.  

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