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Category: Website Analytics

UX/Website Analytics

Website Heatmaps for UX Designers

Website Heatmaps for UX designers

In today’s world, we aim to make websites that look great and are very easy to use. They should match what people want. When you’re making any website, like an E-commerce store or a website for a company, the main goal is to make sure it’s smooth and easy for people to use. And that’s

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Website Analytics

5+1 Best Conversion Funnel Analysis Tools [2023]

Best Conversion Funnel Analysis Tools Of 2023

Conversion funnel analysis tools have become essential for businesses aiming to enhance their online performance. These tools provide actionable insights into the customer journey, allowing for data-driven decisions and targeted optimizations. Let’s explore some of the best conversion funnel analysis tools for 2023 and understand their unique features, pricing, and suitability for different needs. Benefits

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E-commerce/Website Analytics

Best WooCommerce Plugins to Increase Sales

Best WooCommerce Plugins

In a highly competitive online marketplace, standing out and driving sales requires more than just a basic eCommerce setup. This is where WooCommerce plugins come into play, offering an array of specialized features that can significantly impact a business’s bottom line. These plugins empower businesses to customize their online stores according to their unique branding

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Website Analytics

Capturly vs. Inspectlet – Comprehensive Comparison

Capturly vs Inspectlet

In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics, two pioneering companies have emerged as beacons of innovation and excellence. Introducing Capturly, a dynamic newcomer that burst onto the scene in 2016, and Inspectlet, a seasoned veteran that has been shaping the industry since 2011.  Capturly is a data analytics company established in 2016. Through the last

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Website Analytics

6+1 Best WordPress Heatmap Plugins for Free [2023]

Best WordPress Heatmap Plugins

In the dynamic world of website heatmap optimization, data is your ally, and WordPress heatmap plugins are the compass that guides you through the intricacies of user behavior. Visual tools reveal visitor interactions, aiding content optimization by uncovering hidden insights on your website. Optimize content strategically with these tools, which visually depict visitor engagement for

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